5 At-Home Remedies for Knee Pain
Knee pain is all too common and is easily triggered. A wrong step or turn, repetitive stress, or an acute trauma such as a fall or blow to the joint may bring about the need for at home knee pain treatment. The severity and duration of the pain will help to determine the treatment and whether or not a trip to a medical professional or hospital is needed. Below are five at home remedies that may help alleviate pain completely or help to manage the pain until a trip to see the doctor may be had.
Over the Counter
Probably the item most people reach for first when attempting to alleviate knee pain is an over the counter pain reliever. There are various types, from traditional aspirin to acetaminophen to NSAIDs. If you are not sure which one will offer the most relief, don't hesitate to ask the pharmacist or to call the family doctor. For those taking prescription medicine or treating young children, it is recommended that a call to the family doctor is made to ensure the right pain reliever is chosen.
The traditional methods are sometimes the best. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. As soon as possible, rest the knee and try to keep pressure of it during daily activities such as walking. Applying ice in the first two to three days to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Heat may increase swelling, so it is not recommended for pain relief until the swelling has gone down. Compression via a tightly, but not too tightly, wrapped bandage can help to reduce swelling as well. Elevating the knee when lying down or sitting may also help reduce swelling and reduce pain and discomfort. If possible, keep the knee at or above heart level.
Reduce Pressure
Keeping pressure off the knee is essential. Utilizing a cane, crutch, or walking stick may help to keep weight off the leg. If not sure how to properly walk with a cane, again do not hesitate with the ask to the doctor or pharmacist. Another option may be to review an instructional video that shows proper form and technique.
Anti Inflammatory
Inflammatory foods, drinks, and other items may increase the time the knee is inflamed or in pain. Review lists of inflammatory foods and avoid alcohol and smoking during this time, as these two items lead to and increase inflammation. As well as increasing inflammation, alcohol and smoking may be contradictory to pain relievers and cause other problems such as stomach distress or headaches.
Call the Doctor

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