How to Start a Sugar Free Diet for Weight Loss
Sugar isn't just bad for your body; it's bad for weight loss as well.
If you are trying to slim down, the first thing you need to do is gain control of your diet.
Sugar is addictive, fattening and causes your body to store fat as well.
With all of the negatives of eating this, why not cut it out of your diet completely?
It is going to be hard at first, but it will get easier as time goes on.
There are a lot of sweet alternatives you can use and great recipes that don't use sugar either.
By exploring what is out there and starting a new diet you will be healthier, more energetic and slimmer!
Not to mention you will feel better since you won't be addicted to this sweetening agent any longer.
In order to get started with a sugar-free diet, learn the facts!
Foods you Should Avoid
There are a lot of foods you will not be able to eat when you switch to this way of life.
In the beginning you will probably suffer the most, but that is just because your body is not getting what it's addicted to.
After a few days or a week you will feel better and start to enjoy eating healthier foods.
Foods you should avoid include:
- Candy (pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
- Bread (bagels, muffins, donuts, etc.)
- Sugar
- Pasta
- Rice
- Chips
- Soda
Of course this list goes on and on since you can find sugar in pretty much everything you eat.
You will probably need to clean out your fridge, freezer and pantry in order to get a fresh start.
Always read through labels to see if there is sugar in something, don't be fooled by things that look healthy.
Even salad dressings and lunch meats have hidden sweeteners inside of them!
Foods you Should Eat
Since the foods you have to avoid are out of the way, what about the foods you can eat?
Make a shopping list so you can stock up your pantry with healthy items.
With these in your home you will be less tempted to go out and eat or order something unhealthy.
Foods you can eat include:
- Lean meats
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Milk (yogurt without sugar, sour cream, cottage cheese)
- Whole grains
- Sweet potatoes
- Green bananas
- Artificial sweeteners
There are a lot of other foods you can eat, just make sure to read labels.

How to Survive
If you're wondering how you're going to survive on this diet, don't worry.
There are thousands of recipes online that taste great and are healthy.
Use spices, herbs and oils to flavor your foods instead of sugars.
These taste great, are low in calories and will give your food a natural flavor that can't be beat.
When you are in need of something sweet, use artificial sweeteners.
Even honey or agave nectar work extremely well for making foods taste delicious.
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