10 Tips Prevent Hair Loss And Thinning Hair
Hair is a serious matter, whether you're male or female. Society puts a lot of focus on having a thin body, but when it comes to hair, thin is not a word that we would like to hear. Thinning hair and baldness can affect men and women of all ages, but is especially prevalent in men who are 40 years of age or older. Below, I am going to give you 10 tips on how prevent hair loss.
1. When you don't eat enough food or avoid the necessary vitamins, your hair will lose the nutrients that make it strong and beautiful. If you wear tight hair styles such as braids or ponytails all the time, you can actually develop traction alopecia, where the hair is constantly pulled until the hair falls out
2. Soy milk is a valuable source of protein, and plays a vital role in hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen to the cells, muscles and tissues, and is essential for cell and muscle repair. Drinking soy milk with breakfast is a simple way to add this valuable food to your diet.
3. When you towel dry your hair after you have washed it, you should be careful not to rub it. This can damage the follicles. A little advice - it is best to pay it dry instead of rubbing dry.
4. If you are eating to many red meats, or fatty foods, stop it! Start adding more fiber, fruits and veggies' to your diet. Also, drink water, lots of water. A beautiful inside can only promote our beautiful outside assets.
5. Against using perms or coloring, that contain strong chemicals such as peroxide and lye, and shampoos and styling products with sodium lauryl sulfate and silicones because these ingredients can exacerbate scalp and follicle problems.
6. Brown rice is a healthy whole grain that contains Biotin, an essential mineral that may reduce your risk of hair loss and graying hair. Brown rice is also a good source of fiber, and can keep your digestive tract in good order.
7. Unless your doctor has prescribed a wig to you, you should avoid wearing one. When you wear a wig, your scalp will not be able to properly breathe and it can suffocate the follicles. It can also irritate and rub your scalp!

9. Oranges, grapefruit and lemons contain high levels of Vitamin C which helps maintain healthy skin and hair. Eating foods that contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, or taking a Vitamin C supplement, can help to keep the scalp and hair follicle in great shape.
10. You should choose the right shampoo, because it is important for the health of your hair. To get the most out of your money, try matching the shampoo to your own hair type.
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