Getting Rid Of A Double Chin
As we get older our skin and muscles tend to become more lax and whilst this increases the probability of us developing a double chin - it doesn't mean that a double chin is an inevitability. This article will cover the things you need to do to get rid of a double chin.
Firstly, I need to state the obvious. Fat deposits can build up anywhere on the body that we allow them to - chin included. So your first step is make sure that you have a high fibre, low fat diet that contains a lot of fruit and vegetables. Reducing your overall body fat percentage will have a proportionate effect on your double-soon-to-be single chin.
Secondly, daily use of a skin toner will keep your skin firm and help prevent sagging. To complement the use of skin toner you can also practice a kind of facial yoga to maintain skin tone. Perform this routine twice weekly: with the first two fingers of each hand rub gently along the jawbone, starting from behind the ear lobes, finishing below the centre of the chin. Repeat five times. Then perform a full neck massage: lift your chin slightly upwards and with cupped hands, stroke firmly down the neck five times each side. Finish with some under-chin slaps: with the back of the first two fingers gently slap under the chin twenty times.
Thirdly, we need to talk about exercise. A general exercise regime will help you lose weight in the same manner as a high fibre low fat diet, however there are is also a specific "spot" exercises that you can perform which will target the chin area. The muscle in question here is called the platysma whose function is to pull down the corners of the mouth and pull down the jawbone. The exercise that we are talking about is called "the shovel" and it involves extending your lower law as far as you can in front and then bringing your bottom teeth up in front of your top lip - as if your lower jaw was an earth mover scooping up debris. You will need to perform ten repetitions of this exercise, 2-3 times a day. The beauty about this exercise is that it can be practiced anywhere and whilst you're engaged in other activities such as driving the car or watching television.
There is a fourth - and last resort - option of cosmetic surgery whereby the surgeon will make a small horizontal cut under the chin and then vacuum out the fat that has collected beneath the skin. Following this they will make a vertical incision between the layers of the neck and jaw muscle and sew the edges together, tightening the muscle layer. The procedure is relatively painless and requires two small bandages to hide. The bruising is minimal and has usually vanished within ten days. The procedure will cost upwards of $2000.
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