Natural Home Remedies for Blackheads
Blackheads are considered to be the primary stage of acne. When the blackheads get invaded by bacteria, pus-filled pimples develop. Insufficient cleansing of skin may also result in black heads. If the skin is not cleaned thoroughly, dead, dry skin cells may collect within the pores, resulting in blackheads.
Therefore one is required to take off every make-up and clean the skin properly before going to bed at night. Blackheads may also be extracted through professional help. Blackheads not only appear in face, but chest, back and other regions that are rich in sebaceous glands.
Home Remedies for Blackheads
1. Scrubbing the skin with bitter gourd helps to get rid of blackheads. This should be done once daily.
2. One may prepare a solution by boiling a cup of water with 1 teaspoon Epsom salt and three drops of iodine. After the solution has cooled down a little, one may soak a cotton ball with the solution and dab the skin containing black heads with it. This will loosen pores and allow easy squeezing. The squeezing should be done with the help of sterilized gauze pad.

4. Application of warm honey on blackheads and leaving for 10-15 minutes also allow easy squeezing of blackheads.
5. Steaming the face and then massaging mildly with few drops of tea tree oil would loosen pores and allow easy extraction of blackheads.
6. Applying undiluted lemon juice on blackheads 3 or 4 times a day allows easy cleaning and also makes the blackheads less visible by lightening the skin tone.
7. A face wash made by adding one teaspoon lime juice to a glass of boiled milk may be used to get rid of blackheads.
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